Quest of a Jedi
The Life and Times Of Lancelot



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Vulden Ash (Deceased)

Member of the Mistryl Order

Married to Vixon Firestarter on 7/1/03 at 7:30 GST on Corellia.

Hair: Jet Black
Eyes: Dark Brown
Height: 6' 5"
Weight: 254 lbs

He is a well built and tone man with a dark olive complexion.
He is a man with no past to speak of or at least that he knows of. He is discovering his life as he lives it . He feels a calling from distant land . What can this be? Is it good or is it evil? Time will tell the story of a man who shows no remorse and never looks back at a fallen comrade.
Will he fall to the Darkside or will he survive his calling and truly learn how to live.

[To find out more about Vixon Firestarter click on here name above]


Angus Katarn

Member of the Smuggler Affiliation

Age: 20
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 190 lbs
Hair: Long Brown Hair
Eyes: Brilliant Blue

Parents: Kyle Katarn and Jan Ors

There is little known of Angus except that he knows who his parents are and that he is loved a great deal by them. Raised to have the deepest respect for all life and trained in many different things. These range from a variety of things like survival techniques, martial arts, saber dueling, marksmanship, cooking, starship repair, droid repair, medical technologies, and many others. His parents are the key to his success and also he seems to learn things at an accelerated pace. Rumor has it this has something to do with where he was conceived in the Valley of the Jedi.